• Do Not ENROLL for CHEERLEADING if you want BASKETBALL!!! If the only option you see is Cheerleading, then it means that enrollment in the league for your child is currently Closed or FULL. do not enroll in cheer if you want basketball.
  • Click Enroll Now to Create a login account with team sideline early  so that you and your child's information is already in the system before starting the signup process.
  • If you have a Login Account, go and check it.  Under My Account Tab, and My  Profile check it is updated with your correct Email Address, and Phone #.   This is how we send you information and how our Coaches Contact you! 
  • Wake up early and be ready with your login and password.  Refreshing your Internets browser page is necessary if you're already at the website in advance of 9:00am. 
  • Slow and steady wins the race, if you're not patient waiting for screens to load it may kick you back out of the system to start over. 
  • Have needed information and be ready. Credit Card number,  Past Coach, Past League, Shorts & Jersey / Bodysuit Sizes ready. There are always a few questions of information we need during signup.
  • Make sure you click thru all the screens and information needed to add you selection to cart and then use the checkout buttons.  Past parents have done the whole process only to forget to "checkout"  and not process the payment.  Until you receive a confirmation that you have an email being sent, assume you still have a button to click.  
  • Don't get frustrated if you don't get in or only get to the waitlist.  Waitlist is still a good thing. *See below.  Angry emails and Facebook postings don't help and can get you blocked from the League all together. You are welcome to contact us; but please don't vent your frustration, the answer is likely there's not going to be anything we can do. We are all volunteers and have limited time and resources to answer a flood of questions that happen all at once during registration.   IF we had enough gym's and enough volunteers; we would take every kid that wanted to play!  We all love basketball, but this is the current situation.  There's just not enough gym space and time.  We hope you try again next year. 


WERE GLAD YOU MADE THE WAITLIST, but what this means is that your not officially in the League YET!  

At this point you have 2 options:     1.)  Remain on the waitlist and wait for opening...      2.) Contact Us by email at  provide player name and league and ask for refund. We will process it as soon as possible.



Sometimes kids that met the registration deadline decide not to play; (Kids get hurt, loose interest, overlapping practice times with other sports or simply DONT SHOW UP FOR EVALUATIONS!)   When kids drop off we need players to make up the team so that we have full 10 players on each team.  This is why each year we allow a number of players to signup for waitlist.  The amount of players on the waitlist can vary year to year based on past registrations, and the Players who are remaining on the waitlist are selected to replace those players who dropped. This can happen anytime between when registration opens up until the first games are played.   This is a 2 month long period of WAIT time.   If you choose to remain on the waitlist your registration fee is held in reserve and used only if you make it into the league.  if you child does not make it off the waitlist; You will be REFUNDED.  If at anytime you choose to be removed from the waitlist, you can ask for a refund by contacting us   *please allow for time to process the refund.